MLD for Surgery


Look and feel better faster!

Physicians in Europe, and more recently in the US, prescribe MLD to reduce edema from surgery.  In fact, MLD is the most frequently prescribed treatment in Germany under its state sponsored health plan.  Studies have shown that including MLD in a treatment plan accelerates recovery and rehabilitation as well as improves esthetic results.  MLD is an excellent adjunct to other therapies.​

​In any type of surgery, incisions disrupt blood and lymphatic vessels causing bruising and localized swelling (edema).  Nerve receptors are activated, sending pain signals through the nervous system.  In response, the body goes into repair mode by sending collagen filled fluid to the affected area.  Immune cells are also sent to the affected tissue in order to prevent infection.  This is known as the inflammatory response and is essential to the healing process.  However, the inflammatory response to a surgical incision tends to be overly aggressive, causing an excessive build-up of fluid.  This slows cellular regeneration and the resulting pressure stretches the incision and causes pain.

  • Post-operative MLD provides non-invasive, natural pain relief.  MLD reduces pain by decreasing pressure from edema and inhibiting signals from pain receptors.  It reroutes excess inflammatory fluid that has accumulated around the incision through collateral lymphatic vessels allowing for rapid healing of disrupted vessels.

  • Post-operative MLD accelerates recovery, reduces excess scar tissue formation and increases blood circulation around the incision.  By reducing edema, MLD allows fresh blood and nutrients to enter the wound site more efficiently, encouraging cellular regeneration.

  • Pre- and post-operative MLD enhances the metabolic environment of the surgical site.  By stimulating lymphocyte activity, it enhances the removal of pathogenic cells thereby lowering the risk of infection.  Additionally, MLD detoxifies the tissue by removing metabolic waste and toxins.

  • ​MLD stimulates the parasympathetic nerve endings in the tissue which counter adrenaline production and the “fight or flight” response.  The treatment’s soothing, gentle and rhythmic movement promotes deep relaxation as well as stress reduction.

A series of treatments is recommended pre- and post-operatively and is determined by type of surgery and other factors.  Post-operative treatments can start 24 to 48 hours after surgery.  The initial treatments are performed away from the incision and do not disturb sutures.  Later treatments can be performed adjacent to and eventually directly over the incision to soften and reduce scar tissue.​

Orthopedic Surgery – virtually all orthopedic surgeries can benefit from pre- and post operative MLD, including:

  • Arthroplasty
  • ​Chrondroplasty
  • ​Arthroscopy
  • ​Spinal Surgery
  • ​Hand Surgery
  • ​Foot and Ankle Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery - Virtually all cosmetic surgeries can benefit from pre- and post operative MLD, including:

  • Face Lift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Blephoroplasty
  • Brow Lift
  • Neck Lift
  • Liposuction
  • Breast Enhancement
  • Breast Reduction

Breast Reconstruction Surgery - see Lymphedema prevention

Cancer Surgery – see Lymphedema prevention

Other Surgeries - many types of surgery can benefit from pre- and post operative MLD including:

  • Vein Stripping
  • Skin Grafting
  • Maxillo-Facial Surgery
  • Dental Surgery

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